{"46":{"name":"Unizon","city":"Stockholm","country":"Sweden","description":"Unizon represents over 130 Swedish women\u2019s shelters, young women\u2019s empowerment centres and other support services which work together for a gender equal society free from violence.\r\nIts member organisations offer support and protection and work with prevention and advocacy, using their knowledge of violence, gender and power and the relationship between them.\r\nUnizon's vision is a gender equal society free from violence.","website":"https:\/\/www.unizonjourer.se\/","dbRefUri":null},"58":{"name":"Men for Gender Equality (M\u00c4N)","city":"Stockholm","country":"Sweden","description":"M\u00c4N is a feminist member-based organisation working to engage boys and men for gender equality and redefining masculinity. The organisation mainly works in primary intervention with boys and men in Sweden, but are now going to start working with young male perpetrators. M\u00c4N in co-cordinator of the MenEngage Europe network and member of the global MenEngage board.","website":"http:\/\/mfj.se\/en\/","dbRefUri":null}}