{"23":{"name":"Diakonie \u010cCE \u2013 St\u0159edisko celost\u00e1tn\u00edch program\u016f a slu\u017eeb","city":"Prague","country":"Czech Republic","description":"The programme Stop violence offer comprehensive therapeutic programme to violent people in pursuance of systematically preventing and eliminating violence. We provide individual therapy, couples therapy and group therapy. In indicated cases the clients are offered a combination of individual and couples or couples and group therapy. One part of the programme is intended for clients who have court-ordered therapy.","website":"http:\/\/www.nasilivevztazich.cz\/en\/","dbRefUri":null},"32":{"name":"League of Open Men (LOM)","city":"Prague","country":"Czech Republic","description":"The League of Open Men (LOM) promotes the quality of men's lives through supporting gender equality from men's perspectives. Among other issues, LOM focuses on violence prevention in close relationships (Men Against Violence Towards Women and Children Project). Additionally, LOM offers individual counselling and group therapy to men who have anger issues and perpetrate violence against women and children. The organisation also runs the White Ribbon Campaign Czech Republic.","website":"https:\/\/ilom.cz\/","dbRefUri":null},"80":{"name":"SPONDEA","city":"Brno","country":"Czech Republic","description":"SPONDEA was founded in 1997 with the children's crisis centre in Brno. In the following years, we began to help people affected by domestic violence and established an intervention centre. Our \"I want to control my anger\" programme has been active for over 10 years. Here, psychoterhapists and social workers work with men and women on a common goal: Stopping family violence and protecting those exposed to it, especially children.","website":"www.spondea.cz","dbRefUri":null}}