
The call for grants for 2025 is now open!

Since 2023, we annually award grants to members seeking to improve their practices. Announcements on grant opportunities are published at the beginning of each year.

These grants are here to help strengthen programmes, build capacity, and align practices with the European Standards for Perpetrator Programmes. For organisations that are struggling to secure funding for their perpetrator programmes, this is also an opportunity to use part of the grant to ensure continuity of service.

Important documents:

Read the full call for applications

View the guidelines for applicants

Declaration of honor

Budget template

2024 Grantees

Serbia    Website

Grant amount: 14,996.05 EUR

Project title: Navigating Change: A Comprehensive Strategy for Perpetrator Program Enhancement in Serbia

Project duration: 8 months

Target groups

  • Perpetrator programme professionals
  • Women support service professionals
  • Decision-makers and policy-makers

Project summary

The project will create a comprehensive strategy to enhance the quality of perpetrator programmes in Serbia. It focuses on community programmes, as well as newly established ones within prison and probation settings, which were not previously assessed or included in quality assurance activities. Utilising active strategic documents and processes, the project facilitates the adoption of national standards for perpetrator programmes, to ensure a broad impact nationwide. Emphasis is placed on aligning these standards with the Istanbul Convention and European Standards. The project will conduct an assessment of the quality of existing programmes in Serbia, evaluating their adherence to standards. These findings will inform decisions regarding project training activities and advocacy efforts. Additionally, the project will develop a roadmap of actions to enhance these programmes, emphasising active participation and ownership by relevant decision-makers for effective implementation in the future.

Bulgaria    Website

Grant amount: 19,996.16 EUR

Project title: Introduction of European Standards for safe, effective and sustainable work with perpetrators

Project duration: 7 months

Target groups

  • Perpetrator programme facilitators
  • Other practicioners in the field of domestic and intimate partner violence

Project summary

The main objective of the project is to increase the quality of the perpetrator programmе provided by NAIA Association and to align the organisation's practices with the WWP EN European Standards for Perpetrator Programmes. The project focuses on building organisational capacities for the implementation of safe, effective and sustainable perpetrator work and on preparing to pursue a European accreditation. Project activities include

  1. Updating the existing and develop new internal procedures for risk assessment and perpetrator programme design, in accordance with European standards.
  2. Training of professionals who work with victims and perpetrators on the implementation of the new procedures.
  3. Assessing the quality of the perpetrators programme as a preparation for pursuing a European accreditation.

Italy   Website

Grant amount: 14,990.70 EUR

Project title: INSPIRE: Initiative for Network Strengthening, Partnership, and Improvement in Results and Excellence

Project duration: 8 months

Target groups

  • Perpetrator programme professionals
  • Members of the Relive network
  • Other national networks for perpetrator programmes

Project summary

The project focuses on disseminating the WWP EN European Standards for Perpetrator Programmes throughout the RELIVE national network by translating them from English to Italian and subsequently translating the self-assessment questionnaire. Translating these two tools will promote awareness and understanding of the standards among the associations present in RELIVE and enable all 33 centres to self-assess how aligned they are with the standards. From the analysis of the questionnaire results, three or four associations with high scores will be selected to evaluate a possible European accreditation pathway for the following year. Furthermore, the results of the self-assessment will provide us with the opportunity to identify the areas of greatest need for development within the associations and to organise specific training sessions to increase skills in those areas.

Ireland   Website

Grant amount: 14,990.70 EUR

Project title: Residential Programme for Male Perpetrators with Integrated Partner Support Response

Project duration: 7 months

Target groups

  • Perpetrators of IPV
  • Perpetrator programme professionals
  • Survivor support professionals

Project summary

Having received WWP EN Grant in 2023 to develop a Residential Programme for male perpetrators of domestic violence who for legitimate reasons cannot attend weekly group sessions, and to train facilitators in its delivery, we are now seeking funding to pilot this Residential Programme in 2024. The Residential Programme is in response to a gap in service delivery identified by our own team and by interagency partners and is in line with the objective of our 3rd National Strategy on Domestic, Sexual and Gender-based Violence in Ireland: 3.6.2 "Encourage participation of perpetrators on perpetrator programmes by removing barriers to participation (e.g. transport, interpreters(including ISL)". The primary aim of our MEND Programme is the safety and well-being of women and children and therefore the Residential Programme will be delivered within the context of comprehensive risk management and integrated response to the partners and ex-partners of the men on the Residential Programme.

Greece   Website

Grant amount: 14,999.26 EUR

Project title: SPAM - Standardised Procedures for Accountable Men

Project duration: 8 months

Target groups

  • Perpetrator programme professionals
  • Local stakeholders 
  • Women - survivors of IPV
  • Men - perpetrators of IPV

Project summary

The Standardised Procedures for Accountable Men (SPAM) project focuses on improving the quality of the UWAH perpetrator programme by improving multi-agency collaboration and aligning the programmes closer to the European Standards for Perpetrator Programmes. SPAM aims to improve the existing perpetrator programme by combining an assessment of the programme's national context with the analysis of programme outcomes and procedures. Based on these findings, UWAH will revise the protocol of its programme towards improved multi-agency cooperation and increased alignment with European standards and will train facilitators accordingly. The revised protocols and programme will offer the opportunity of training for other programmes at regional and national levels.

Greece   Website

Grant amount: 14,996.05 EUR

Project title: Building capacity in meeting European Standards for Perpetrator Programmes

Project duration: 8 months

Target groups

  • Perpetrator programme professionals
  • Women support service professionals 
  • Indirect: survivors and perpetrators of DV, including children

Project summary

The project will strengthen the capacity of the SPONDEA Programme for Perpetrators of violence in the area of safety and well-being of survivors, specifically regarding (ex-)partner contact and support, child protection, information sharing and decision-making between the perpetrator programme and partner service. The project will also revise and re-implement the programme's risk assessment and management strategy.

Croatia   Website

Grant amount: 19,998.30 EUR

Project title: Elevating Perpetrator Program to European Standards for Safer Communities

Project duration: 7 months

Target groups

  • Perpetrator programme professionals
  • Survivor support service professionals
  • Providers working with children
  • Indirectly: survivors and perpetrators of DV.

Project summary

The project will enhance the quality and effectiveness of gender-based violence (GBV) and domestic violence (DV) interventions by focusing on establishing victim-safety-oriented work through extending the curriculum of the existing perpetrator programme and promoting updated risk assessment and child protection practices that meet the criteria of the European Standards for Perpetrator Programmes. Collaboration with victim support services, organisations working with children, and organisations licenced to work with perpetrators contribute to a more comprehensive and coordinated approach. In the long term the project envisions a sustained reduction in GBV and DV incidence, improved victim safety, and a comprehensive, coordinated national response. It aims to contribute to international best practices, foster cross-border collaboration, and establish the programme as a model in Croatia for high-quality GBV and DV intervention.

Georgia   Facebook page

Grant amount: 14,990.70 EUR

Project title: Georgia without violence

Project duration: 7 months

Target groups

  • Perpetrator programme professionals
  • Survivor support service professionals
  • Refferal services
  • Survivors of DV, including children

Project summary

The Anti-Violence Network of Georgia (AVNG) has been working with women and children who were victimised by domestic violence since 2003. However, years of practice showed that working only with the survivors, without working with the perpetrators does not provide desired outcomes. Since its establishent in 2012, numerous steps have been taken with limited resources to improve the perpetrator programme offered by AVNG. This project will continue the evaluation and improvement of the programme by developing standardised risk assessment procedures and a risk management protocol, as well as improving the coordinated relationships between different domestic violence intervention services.

Czech Republic   Website

Grant amount: 10,000.00 EUR

Project title: LOM - Improving practice to ensure quality and pursue European accreditation

Project duration: 7 months

Target groups

  • Perpetrator programme professionals
  • Women support service professionals
  • Decision and policymakers

Project summary

The goal of the project is to successfully go through the preparation process and obtain European accreditation for work with perpetrators. Our practice consists in the primary and secondary prevention of violence in relationships and gender-based violence in the Czech Republic through the expansion and improvement of professional therapeutic work with clients who are perpetrators of violence and their (ex-)partners. We have noticed a growing interest in our programme both on the part of the perpetrators of violence themselves and on the part of the professional public. Already last year, together with WWP, we worked on the final form of European standards for working with perpetrators of violence. We are now ready for the next step, i.e. the implementation of European standards and obtaining accreditation. Advocacy will also be an important part of this process, which we will continue to focus on intensively.

Slovenia   Website

Grant amount: 19,999.84 EUR

Project title: Strengthening of Perpetrators Programmes in Slovenia

Project duration: 8 months

Target groups

  • Perpetrator programme professionals
  • Survivor support service professionals

Project summary

The project focuses on:

  • Improving the safety and well-being of survivors by implementing standardised procedures for information exchange with relevant institutions to ensure ongoing risk assessment and management, as well as developing written procedures for managing high-risk cases and standardising guidelines for working with survivors.
  • Improving risk assessment and management, and programme design and delivery. This involves developing clearer criteria for eligibility of perpetrators, extending the intake phase for comprehensive risk assessment, and advocating for legislative changes to mandate counseling for perpetrators.
  • Improving quality assurance and evaluation by implementing tools such as the Impact Outcome Monitoring Toolkit to gather and analyse data for better programme evaluation. This involved translating the European Standards for Perpetrator Programmes and the IMPACT toolkits into Slovenian and advocating for policy changes based on EU standards.

North Macedonia   Website

Grant amount: 14,729.62 EUR

Project title: Child-Centered Approach in Working with Perpetrators Programme

Project duration: 7 months

Target groups

  • Perpetrator programme professionals
  • Women support service professionals
  • Indirect: survivors of DV, especially children

Project summary

Implementing a child-centred approach in perpetrator programmes is vital for child safety and well-being. This involves prioritising child safety, offering comprehensive support, holding perpetrators accountable, empowering families, and fostering continuous improvement. The self-assessment tool reveals a need to identify all children affected by the perpetrator's behavior, necessitating ongoing risk assessment. To address this, our project focuses on prioritising child-centered work. We will enhance our capacity and collaborate nationally with the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy. Initially, we will translate and prepare training materials on Child-Centered Work, repositioning clients as parents and supporting sensitive parenting. Our efforts will contribute to child safety and well-being, including in-house and broader capacity-building sessions with participants from Social Welfare Centers and organisations supporting survivors of domestic and gender-based violence.

Bulgaria   Website

Grant amount: 19,992.25 EUR

Project title: Upscaling the work with perpetrators’ programmes in Bulgaria on the path for harmonisation with European standards

Project duration: 7 months

Target groups

  • Perpetrator programme professionals
  • Survivor support service professionals
  • Refferal services

Project summary

Through improved methods and quality of work, and more efficient and motivated staff we aim to improve our practices in line with the European standards and the designed activities will support BGRF pursuing the European accreditation. Main project activities include methods and tools for improvement of structure and content of the programme for male perpetrators, for strengthening human resources, including training sessions, field work for adjusting the existing perpetrators programmes (technical work and harmonisation with the new standards), information and awareness-raising activities, and evaluation.

2023 Grantees

Bulgaria    Website

Grant amount: 28,973.63 EUR

Title of the project: Applying a child-focused approach in working with perpetrators in Bulgaria

Project duration: 7 months

Target groups

  • Facilitators of perpetrator programmes
  • Practicioners in the field of domestic and intimate partner violence
  • Experts and practitioners in the field of child protection

Project summary

"Applying a child-focused approach in working with perpetrators in Bulgaria" aims to improve the safety and well-being of child survivors of domestic violence. The project will increase the effectiveness of treatment programmes for perpetrators in Bulgaria by developing and implementing a child safety-oriented model for assessing and managing domestic violence cases involving children.

Project activities include:

  • Mapping the implementation of child protection policies in Bulgarian perpetrator programmes
  • Developing tools for child protection during perpetrator work
  • Training perpetrator work professionals to implement Child Protection Policies and Procedures, risk assessment, and multi-agency protocols for child protection

Bulgaria    Website

Grant amount: 24,372.70 EUR

Title of the project: Good practices, challenges and proposed solutions in practical work with perpetrators in Bulgaria

Project duration: 7 months

Target groups

  • Perpetrators referred by the court or voluntarily stated and involved in the counselling

  • Experts, e.g. prosecutors, judges and policemen, social workers

  • Professionals directly working with perpetrators and services for work with perpetrators

Project summary

"Good practices, challenges and proposed solutions in practical work with perpetrators in Bulgaria" envisages to map the existing gaps in work with perpetrators in the direction of unifying and improving programmes to work with perpetrators of domestic violence in the post-lockdown period and increased cases of domestic violence. The project envisages to contribute in the area of domestic violence that was not among priority of holistic strategy for combating all forms of DV through developing professional guideline for therapists, social workers and psychologies, providing training for 30 people and counseling for perpetrators and publicity for wider auditory b/n 5000-6000 people from different regions of Bulgaria.

Czech Republic    Website

Grant amount: 40,320.32 EUR

Title of the project: Improving Work with Perpetrators of Violence in the Czech Republic

Project duration: 7 months

Target groups

  • Perpetrators of intimate partner violence

  • Partners and ex-partners of perpetrators

  • Professionals working with intimate partner violence

Project summary

In the Czech Republic, there is still very little perpetrator work. The "Improving Work with Perpetrators of Violence in the Czech Republic" project goal is primary and secondary prevention of violence in relationships and gender-based violence in the Czech Republic through the expansion and improvement of our work with clients (mainly men and the vast majority fathers) who commit violence against their partners and children.

As part of the project LOM will expand its' perpetrator programme by adding a group and train the team to work with young men aged 15-18. A particular priority is on strengthening gender-sensitive approaches. LOM will map the gender attitudes of men programme participants and the impact the programme has on changing their attitudes.

Spain    Website

Grant amount: 18,455.02 EUR

Title of the project: Focused intervention protocols: Addressing perpetrators’ risk factors

Project duration: 7 months

Target groups

  • Facilitators of perpetrator programmes
  • Scientific community
  • Perpetrators

Project summary

"Focused intervention protocols: Addressing perpetrators' risk factors" aims to improve the quality of perpetrator programmes by designing intervention protocols based on a detailed analysis of participants' main risk factors that hinder change. Additionally, CONTEXTO will develop a protocol for analysing and contacting the perpetrators' social networks so that facilitators can gather relevant information for risk assessment and management.

Project activities include:

  • Analysing and categorising risk factors
  • Designing intervention protocols
  • Training facilitators
  • Conducting a feasibility evaluation of the protocols
  • Awareness-raising

Italy    Website

Grant amount: 47,982.80 EUR

Title of the project: Re-live the Network

Project duration: 7 months

Target groups

  • Member organisations of the Relive network
  • Facilitators of perpetartor programmes

Project summary

With the recent passing of an Italian law on gender-based violence, members of the Italian national perpetrator programme network "Relive" have seen an increase in enrollment in their perpetrator programmes and requires coordination to create shared procedures and protocol agreements across Italy.

With the "Re-Live the network" project, Relive will remunerate three professionals to handle administrative work, coordinate activities, and improve services for members. This will allow them to coordinate the important process of introducing shared procedures and protocols across Italy, as well as holding a national meeting on European and national standards.

Croatia    Website

Grant amount: 28,679.42 EUR

Title of the project: Responding to increased need for victim-safety oriented perpetrator work in Croatia

Project duration: 7 months

Target groups

  • Prospective facilitators of the perpetrator programme who will be trained to deliver the victim-safety oriented programme within SPA framework in the greater Zagreb metropolitan area
  • Victims support services in the central part of Croatia
  • Stakeholders from social services, child protection, criminal justice, police, probation services, victim support services,Ombudsperson Office for Gender Equality
  • Professional audiences of prospective facilitators of perpetrator work

Project summary

With the 2023 grant, SPA is implementing the "Responding to increased need for victim-safety oriented perpetratorwork in Croatia" project.

With this project, SPA will

  • improve the quality of their current perpetrator programme with a special focus on victim safety
  • strengthen their cooperation with survivor support services
  • promote safe and effective perpetrator work as an important part of coordinated-community responses to domestic violence in Croatia

Project activities include

  • conducting training for facilitators to increase available programmes
  • improving their child protection policy and risk assessment
  • expanding their programme evaluation

Ireland    Website

Grant amount: 11,216.00 EUR

Title of the project: Using the Choices Programme for Residential Weekends for Male Perpetrators: A pilot project

Project duration: 5 months

Target group: Facilitators of perpetrator programmes

Project summary

The Men Ending Domestic Violence (MEND) programme acts to support men to end their violent or abusive behaviour and become non-violent and respectful within their intimate partner relationships with it's core objective being that of protecting and creating safety for women and children. This training however is often not feasible for economically deprived men who live in rural areas and/or face financial and logistical barriers to participation.

The aim of this project is to design a residential programme, train facilitators in its delivery and to evaluate the training with ultimate goal of expanding and enhancing the existing MEND Programme so as to deliver safe and effective behaviour change work to male perpetrators who have logistical obstacles to engaging successfully with the current programme.