The Fathers Rock European event  was held on 21 March 2024 and brought together NGO experts, frontline services and researchers to share their insights on the role of perinatal services in the prevention of gender-based violence through the engagement of fathers, enhancing children´s and mothers’ well-being and safety. A panel of experts tackled the crucial question of engaging men without disempowering women. 

View the agenda here and event recording here.

Fathers’ involvement in perinatal care and engagement in parenting enhances children’s wellbeing. It also contributes to the development of healthy relationships and is associated with a reduced likelihood of violence. On the other hand, research highlights that becoming a father implies also risks for men to use violence against their partners, due to challenging situations in dealing with new roles and circumstances.

Therefore, Fathers Rock (Fathers’ engagement in the Role Of Care Keeping mothers and children safe) focuses on the prevention of gender-based violence of men who are (becoming) fathers through the collaboration with key services (perinatal services, birth pathways, daycares, health services and hospitals, nurseries).

Fathers Rock aims to

  • improve the social and emotional capacity of men who are (becoming) fathers and their skills in dealing with parenting and their (new) role as fathers
  • increase the engagement of key public institutions on recognising and promoting the caring role of men to promote gender equality, child wellbeing and safeguarding, and prevention of domestic violence
  • enhance the skills of services to involve and support men in parenting to minimise the risk of violence and to increase accountability
  • improve the capacity of frontline professionals to prevent domestic violence and  identify risk indicators and early critical signs of domestic violence
  • enable professionals to use available resources and paths for referral of domestic violence, and to motivate men to accountability

Our work

The Fathers Rock team will:

  • Develop and deliver a capacity-building programme for frontline services to identify and refer domestic violence
  • Develop and implement a programme for the engagement of fathers and the work on caring masculinities codesigned with perinatal and early childhood professionals
  • Develop a multiagency intervention model and outline institutional recommendations for prevention of gender-based violence and child safeguarding through the work with men around fatherhood 

Fathers Rock model will be developed in English, Spanish, Italian and German, tested in Spain, Italy and Austria


Project Team

The Fathers Rock project is developed by an international, interdisciplinary team consisting of:

  • Fundación Blanquerna, research and education organisation within the Faculty of Psychology, Education and Sports Sciences from Ramon Llull University, Spain
  • Conexus, Associació CONEXUS Atenció, Formació i Investigació Psicosocials, no-profit NGO with GBV its main fields of expertise and activity, offering intervention programmes for women and children, and for male perpetrators, Spain
  • CAM, Centro di Ascolto Uomini Maltrattanti Onlus, NGO and perpetrator programme focussing on the intervention in violence against women and children by promoting the work with men who act violently in emotional relationships, Italy
  • Verein für Männer- und Geschlechterthemen Steiermark, the Association for Men and Gender Issues Styria is providing research and education on Caring Masculinities and violence prevention, gender-reflecting work with men and boys on violence prevention, masculinities, diversity and intersectionality, Austria
  • WWP EN, the European Network for the Work with Perpetrators of Domestic Violence, Germany and Europe

An external Advisory Board will supervise and support the Team. The board consists of:

  • Marianne Hester, Affiliated Professor and leading researcher of gender-based violence at the University of Gothenburg, and Chair in Gender, Violence & International Policy at School for Policy Studies at the University of Bristol
  • Annina Lubbock, Senior Technical Adviser on Gender and Poverty Targeting, expert in engagement of regional and national level institutions around gender equality and mainstreaming in multilateral cooperation
  • Andrea Santoro, Chair of Cerchio degli Uomini and Giardino dei Padri for the engagement with fatherhood with special focus on guidance to men who are (becoming) fathers, conscious parenting and the work on masculinity


Launch of Project March 2022

EN | IT | ES | CA | DE

Launch of Fathers Rock Multiagency Model March 2024


Get in touch

Berta Vall - FPCEE Blanquerna, Ramon Llull University -

Dimitra Mintsidis – WWP European Network – d.mintsidis(at)

Last changed: 13.04.2024