IMPACT Outcome Monitoring Toolkit

Evaluate the effectiveness of your programme

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The toolkit

  • standardises the methods and areas of enquiry used in evaluations
  • improves the quality of the data gathered by including clients' (ex-)partners
  • helps your monitor and evaluate the impact of your work
  • gathers comparable data across Europe

Why use the toolkit?

The IMPACT Toolkit takes the evaluation process one step further than any other perpetrator programme evaluation. It is the first tool to measure a change of the impact of violent/abusive behaviour as stated by the male programme participants and their (ex-) partners. The toolkit allows you to monitor and measure your programme outcomes in a standardized way, which you can use for funding applications and to lobby at a local and national level.

    How to use it?

    Programmes receive questionnaires for both the men in the programmes and for their (ex-)partners. These questionnaires are answered at first contact (T0), the beginning of the programme (T1), halfway through the programme (T2), the end of the programme (T3) and at six month follow-up after the programme is finished (T4). Both the male clients and their female (ex-)partners fill out the questionnaires, giving an insight into changes over time.

      What can it evaluate?

      The outcomes you can evaluate with the IMPACT Toolkit are:

      • Behaviour and attitude changes in clients
      • Survivor safety and well-being
      • Changes in the lives of children, as perceived by the parents
      • Achievement of the hopes of clients and their partners/ex-partners

      How do we support you?


      • train your team on how to use the toolkit
      • analyse the data you gather
      • write different types of reports based on your data or tailor reports to your specific programme needs

      Types of reports:

      • Descriptive report
      • Beginning vs end of programme evaluation report 
      • Report comparing completers vs non-completers
      • Report on one specific couple (case study) 

      Download the report overview for more detailed information

      "IMPACT makes perpetrators reflect about their behaviour in a detailed way, raising new and different aspects that don't come out during individual interviews."

      - Cambiamento Maschile (IT)

      Want to evaluate your programme?

      Berta Vall Castelló

      Research and Development Manager