Join us in exploring our collection of expert papers, available for examination and download, covering a wide range of subjects and insights from network experts.

Expert papers

To collect and share knowledge or update current theoretical and practical findings on perpetrator work, we ask selected experts to publish papers.


GenderPerpetrator work

LGBT+ Perpetrators: Visibility, Recognition and Interventions

Examining the Role of Structural Discrimination and Identity-Based Abuse in LGBT+ Domestic Violence

LGBT+ Perpetrators: Visibility, Recognition and InterventionsLGBT+ Perpetrators: Visibility, Recognition and Interventions
Educational sabotage: A form of abuse against children and youth with potentially long-term consequences

Educational sabotage

A form of abuse against children and youth with potentially long-term consequences

Educational sabotageEducational sabotage
Fathering in the context of family violence. Challenges, interventions, and collaboration towards child protection
Child protectionParenting

Fathering in the context of family violence

Challenges, interventions, and collaboration towards child protection

Fathering in the context of family violenceFathering in the context of family violence
Probation and prison based programmes for perpetrators of domestic and sexual violence: a European overview
Perpetrator workPrison & probation

Probation and prison based programmes for perpetrators of domestic and sexual violence

A European overview

Probation and prison based programmes for perpetrators of domestic and sexual violenceProbation and prison based programmes for perpetrators of domestic and sexual violence
Addressing sexualised violence in the work with perpetrators
Perpetrator workSexualised violence

Addressing sexualised violence in the work with perpetrators

Sexual violence definitions, language, forms, prevention & perpetrator work

Addressing sexualised violence in the work with perpetratorsAddressing sexualised violence in the work with perpetrators
Working with(in) migrant populations
MigrationPerpetrator work

Working with(in) migrant populations

Sharing domestic violence program experiences

Working with(in) migrant populationsWorking with(in) migrant populations
Who should provide victim's support services?
Perpetrator workSurvivor support

Who should provide victim's support services?

A review of documents and working papers on collaboration between perpetrator programmes and women's support

Who should provide victim's support services?Who should provide victim's support services?
Photo of WWP EN's Gender expert paper


An insight into the complex intersections of the concept with interpersonal violence and societal power imbalances

Working towards Safety: Supporting women alongside DVIP’s perpetrator programme
Perpetrator workSurvivor support

Working towards Safety

Supporting women alongside DVIP’s perpetrator programme

Working towards SafetyWorking towards Safety
Implementing the IMPACT Toolkit
Perpetrator workQuality assurance

Implementing the IMPACT Toolkit

How programmes can get the best out of Impact paper-based tools and online questionnaires

Implementing the IMPACT ToolkitImplementing the IMPACT Toolkit
Partnerships with victims' services in work with perpetrators
Perpetrator workSurvivor support

Partnerships with victims' services in work with perpetrators

Examine the issue for partnerships between women’s/victim organisations and perpetrator work

Partnerships with victims' services in work with perpetratorsPartnerships with victims' services in work with perpetrators
Masculinities, men and violence expert paper

Masculinities, men and violence

Explores masculinity as a social construct, links it to violence, and advocates focusing on male violence in interventions

Masculinities, men and violenceMasculinities, men and violence
Setting up programmes for work with perpetrators
Perpetrator workQuality assurance

Setting up programmes for work with perpetrators

Dean Ajdukovic & Alessandra Pauncz share their experiences in setting up a perpetrator work organisation

Setting up programmes for work with perpetratorsSetting up programmes for work with perpetrators
Responding to diverse ethnic communities in domestic violence perpetrator programmes
MigrationPerpetrator work

Responding to diverse ethnic communities in domestic violence perpetrator programmes

Concept of singular ethnic identity in domestic violence work

Responding to diverse ethnic communities in domestic violence perpetrator programmesResponding to diverse ethnic communities in domestic violence perpetrator programmes