Istanbul Convention

The Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (Istanbul Convention) is a human rights treaty which came into force in 2014 and has since been ratified by 37 countries. The Convention is the first legally-binding document to comprehensively tackle violence against women and domestic violence, which includes psychological violence, stalking, physical violence, sexual violence and sexual harassment.

Ratifying countries must agree to implement the 4 pillars of the convention:

  • Prevention
  • Protection
  • Prosecution
  • Co-ordinated policies

Learn more about the 4 pillars of the Istanbul Convention.

Stopping the cycle of violence: Perpetrator programmes

Article 16 of the Istanbul Convention requires countries to set up and support perpetrator programmes (as part of the prevention methods) aimed at breaking the cycle of violence. As well as this, Article 16 requires that these prevention programmes ensure the safety of the victims and take a multi-agency approach. 

Council of Europe website

Monitoring the implementation

Once countries have ratified the Istanbul Convention, their progress in implementing the policies is evaluated by an independent monitoring body: the Group of Experts on Action against Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (GREVIO). Perpetrator programmes play an important role in reporting to GREVIO on the level of implementation.

GREVIO and the reporting process

How you can become active

To encourage perpetrator programmes to promote, follow and monitor the Istanbul Convention implementation in their countries, we have compiled the following resources:

A summary of key findings from GREVIO reports, useful for perpetrator programmes. Here, you can read about recommendations from the GREVIO committee and important aspects of previous countries' reports.

 A summary of all the adopted GREVIO reports with information relevant for programmes for perpetrators of violence

A summary of all the ongoing reports with information relevant for programmes for perpetrators of violence

A comprehensive template for developing and writing your own shadow report.

Do you have any questions?

Alessandra Pauncz

WWP EN Executive Director