Group of Experts on Action against Violence against Women and Domestic Violence & the evaluation process

Group of Experts on Action against Violence against Women and Domestic Violence & the evaluation process

The Group of Experts on Action against Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (GREVIO) is the independent monitoring body of the Istanbul Convention. In their process of monitoring the Istanbul Convention, GREVIO writes and publishes reports evaluating the measures taken by countries who have ratified the treaty (Parties).

Country monitoring

The Group of Experts on Action against Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (GREVIO) carries out evaluations on a country-by-country basis. You can check the status of the reporting process in your country here.

Reports sent to GREVIO

GREVIO is interested in gaining information from various sources, in order to have a broader picture of the implementation of the Convention. It receives two types of reports:

  • The state report is produced by the responsible state institution(s). It is usually a comprehensive report which gives information on all articles of the Convention, from the perspective of state institutions.
  • Shadow reports give an overview of the Convention implementation from the perspective of NGO(s) working in the field and enable GREVIO to consider different perspectives for evaluation.

Steps of the country monitoring

After the evaluation procedure has started, there are six steps in the process:

  1. Reporting to GREVIO and information gathering: The state report is submitted to GREVIO. Shadow reports can also be sent out in this phase, but are not limited to it. In this phase, GREVIO is also collecting information and may reach out to organisations asking specific questions.
  2. GREVIO evaluates the state report in the context of a visit to the country being audited.
  3. GREVIO drafts their first report. In this phase, the draft report is sent out to the audited country. The state party responds to the issues raised in the draft.
  4. GREVIO finalises their report, taking into account the comments received from the audited country.
  5. Publication and dissemination of the GREVIO report; in this phase, the state party can once again comment on the report. The final GREVIO report and the state party comments are published.
  6. Follow-up to the GREVIO report.
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Reporting to the Group of Experts on Action against Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (GREVIO)

Perpetrator Programmes (PPs), as described in the Istanbul Convention, play an important role in combating violence against women and domestic violence. GREVIO is eager to have as much independent input and feedback from countries that have ratified the convention in order to be able to draw up the most useful indications for the recommendation and the improvement of the implementation of the Istanbul Convention.

PPs are particularly important for information regarding article 12, article 14 and article 16. PPs can contribute to the evaluation profess by writing a shadow report for GREVIO.

WWP EN is strongly encouraging PPs to take part in the GREVIO reporting process, and also provides support through this process.

Why should you report to the GREVIO?

There are numerous reasons why PPs would benefit from this:

  • You know how the programmes for perpetrators work in practice, including the strengths and challenges. It is important to get your voice heard and influence further development of the programmes in your country;
  • This is a chance to reach out and cooperate with other stakeholders, in particular women's support services and state institutions, as well as to strengthen your collaboration. This is also a chance to work together with other perpetrator programmes in your country;
  • By sharing your perspective with GREVIO, you’re becoming an important player in your country's coordinated community response. As well as this, you can influence GREVIO's recommendations to help end violence against women in your country. 

How can WWP EN support you in this process?

  • We can provide guidance for creating a good quality, relevant report for GREVIO
  • We've developed a reporting template which can support your work and make it easier
  • We're monitoring the reports submitted to GREVIO from various countries and can share the findings from that process with you.

Example of the report to GREVIO by Relive Italy

Want to learn more?

We have answered some questions about GREVIO reporting