World Health Organisation (WHO)
Istanbul Convention - Council of Europe
Services Australia - Family and domestic violence information
No to Violence (Male Family Violence Prevention Association)
Bundes-Arbeitsgemeinschaft Täterarbeit Häusliche Gewalt (BAG TäHG)
Berliner Interventionszentrale bei häuslicher Gewalt (BIG)
bff: Federal Association of Women's Counselling and Rape Crisis Centres
Men Overcoming Violence (MOVE)
Fachverband Gewaltberatung Schweiz
Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence
Batterer Intervention Services Coalition of Michigan
Minnesota Program Development, Inc. - Duluth Model, Minnesota - USA
Emerge - Counselling and Education to Stop Domestic Violence, Boston - USA
WAVE network – women against violence Europe
Domestic Abuse Intervention Centre, Vienna
Domestic Violence Support Services for Men UK
German Umbrella Organisation of Work with Perpetrators Domestic Violence (only available in German)
Exercise to prepare perpetrators for a lockdown due to COVID-19
Corona Crisis: Survival Kit for men under pressure
WWP EN Press Release on COVID-19, VAW & Perpetrator Work
WWP EN COVID-19 Revision of Practice Toolkit
Webinar "Working with Perpetrators during the COVID-19 Crisis: Lessons from Europe"
Guidebook on leading groups online
Recommendations for men to avoid using gender based violence in lockdown due to COVID-19: ESP | CAT
Domestic abuse and COVID-19 resources by SafeLives
Healthy parenting during COVID-19
Resources for victim support services: WAVE (EU) | NNEDV (USA)