European Network for the Work with Perpetrators of Domestic Violence e.V. (WWP EN)
Registergericht Amtsgericht Berlin-Charlottenburg
Vereinsregisternummer VR 6150
European Network for the Work with
Perpetrators of Domestic Violence e.V.
Greifswalder Straße 136
10409 Berlin
Anerkennung als gemeinnütziger Verein - Befreiung von der USt
Dean Ajduković, Chair
Marianne Hester, Treasurer
Alessandra Pauncz, PhD, Executive Director/Geschäftsführerin
Alessandra Pauncz, PhD, Executive Director/Geschäftsführerin
Rashi Chauhan, Communications and Fundraising Manager
Our Data Protection Policy
Web-Design: Nina Mujdzic
Web-Development: TYPO3 Webdesign