Multi-agency responses to violence against older women

Many professionals working with survivors of domestic violence feel unsure about working with elderly victims of abuse, causing older victims to fall into the gap between intimate partner violence and elder abuse. Facing higher barriers of leaving their partners due to e.g. a sense of obligation to care for their abuser or own health issues, older victims of abuse often require intervention by several different institutional actors at once. However, many professionals are not trained in how to address these intersecting difficulties. The MARVOW project aimed to improve protection and support for older victims of gender-based domestic abuse.

"The project was very effective in addressing the issues of violence against elderly women, a very relevant and needed focus, through multi-agency cooperation, with sustainable and valuable results.  The MARVOW model represents a very practical method providing concrete solutions to existing gaps in the protection system. The materials are of a high quality and are directly transferable and adaptable for further implementation. Particular strengths are the multi stakeholder approach and the joint work of national and European actors in the relevant fields, as well as results directly benefiting practitioners, policy makers, and older women." - European Commission evaluation feedback 

Our work

  • Improve responses to older victims of violence
  • Improve knowledge of professionals working with older women in the prevention and response to domestic violence
  • Develope a multi-agency response model to help protect and support older women at high risk of abuse, as well as to work with the perpetrators
  • Share the model with other communities so that it can be replicated


The MARVOW project brought together professionals from eldercare, healthcare, protection and social services, judiciary and police to identify gaps within current systems that hinder their ability to serve older victims of intimate partner violence adequately. Project partners assisted these actors in implementing interventions to support victims and work with perpetrators to try and break the cycle of violence. This model was then extensively evaluated and shared across Austria, Estonia, Greece, Germany and throughout Europe.


    Launch of the Project December 2019
    Press release

    World Elder Abuse Awareness Day June 2021
    Press release


    Want to know more?

    Dimitra Mintsidis

    Project Manager, WWP EN