Basics of perpetrator work

When doing research or getting informed on a subject, good-quality literature is invaluable. To make your life easier, we have compiled some relevant works on the basics of domestic violence perpetrator work.

If you have suggestions for additional literature, please contact Berta Vall Castelló.

Introductory Literature on Perpetrator Work

Gondolf, E. W. (2002). Batterer intervention systems: Issues, outcomes, and recommendations. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Hester, M. & Lilley, S.-J. (2014). Preventing violence against women: Article 12 of the Istanbul Convention. A collection of papers on the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence. Strasbourg: Council of Europe.

Phillips, R., Kelly, L. & Westmarland, N. (2013). Domestic violence perpetrator programmes: A historical overview. London and Durham: London Metropolitan University and Durham University.

Gender Approach in Domestic Violence

Anderson, K. L. & Umberson, D. (2001). Gendering violence. Masculinity and Power in men’s accounts of domestic violence. Gender and Society, 15(3), 358-380.

Anderson, K. L. (2005). Therorizing gender in intimate partner violence. Sex Roles, 52, 853-865.

Dobash, R. E. & Dobash, P. R. (2015). When Men Murder Women (Interpersonal Violence). New York: Oxford University Press.

Gondolf, E.W. (2007). Theoretical and research support for the Duluth Model. A reply to Dutton and Corvo. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 12(6), 644-657.

Gottzen, L. (2013). Encountering violent men: Strange and familiar. In Pini, B. & Pease, B. (Eds.), Men, masculinities and methodologies. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Gracia, E., Martín-Fernández, M., Lila, M., Merlo, J., Ivert, A.-K. (2019). Prevalence of intimate partner violence against women in Sweden and Spain: A psychometric study of the ‘Nordic paradox’. PLoS ONE, 14(5).

Gracia, E. & Merlo, J. (2016). Intimate partner violence against women and the Nordic paradox. Social Sciences & Medicine,157, 27-30.

Hester, M. (2014). Theorising male power and violence against women: revisiting Millett's Sexual Politics. In Aghtaie, N. & Gangoli, G. (Eds.), Understanding Gender Based Violence in National and International Contexts. London: Routledge.

Hester, M. (2013). Who does what to whom? Gender and domestic violence perpetrators in English police records. European Journal of Criminology, 10(5), 623-637. DOI:

Ivert, A., Gracia, E., Lila, M., Wemrell, M. & Merlo, J. (2019). Does country-level gender equality explain individual risk of intimate partner violence against women? A multilevel analysis of individual heterogeneity and discriminatory accuracy (MAIHDA) in the European Union. European Journal of Public Health. DOI:

Criticism of the Gender Approach

Dutton, D. G. & Corvo, K. (2007). The Duluth model: A data-impervious paradigm and a failed strategy. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 12, 658-667.

Dutton, D. G. & Corvo, K. (2006). Transforming a flawed policy: A call to revive psychology and science in domestic violence research and practice. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 11, 457-483.

Eckhardt, C. I., Murphy, C., Black, D. & Suhr, L. (2006). Intervention Programs for Perpetrators of Intimate Partner Violence: Conclusions from a Clinical Research Perspective. Public Health Reports, 121(4), 369–381.

Kimmel, M. (2002). “Gender Symmetry” in Domestic Violence: A Substantive and Methodological Research Review. VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN, 8(11), 1332-1363.

Straus, M. A. (2010). Thirty Years of Denying the Evidence on Gender Symmetry in Partner Violence: Implications for Prevention and Treatment. Partner Abuse, 1(3).

Impact of Domestic Violence

Artz, S., Jackson, M. A., Rossiter, K, R., Nijdam-Jones, A., Géczy, I. & Porteous, S. (2014). A comprehensive review of the literature on the impact of exposure to intimate partner violence for children and youth. International Journal of Child, Youth and Family Studies, 5(4), 493–587.

Bacchus, L.J., Ranganathan, M., Watts. C., & Devries, K. (2018). Recent intimate partner violence against women and health: a systematic review and meta-analysis of cohort studies. BMJ Open, 8(7).

Beydoun, H. A., Beydoun, M. A., Kaufman, J. S., Lo, B. & Zonderman, A. B. (2012). Intimate partner violence against adult women and its association with major depressive disorder, depressive symptoms and postpartum depression: systematic review and meta-analysis. Social Science & Medicine, 75(6), 959–975.

Campbell, J.C. (2002). Health consequences of intimate partner violence. Lancet, 359(9314), 1331-1336.

Dillon, G., Hussain, R., Loxton, D. & Rahman, S. (2013). Mental and Physical Health and Intimate Partner Violence against Women: A Review of the Literature. International Journal of Family Medicine, 1-15.

Evans, S. E., Davies, C. A. & Dilillo, D. (2008). Exposure to domestic violence: A meta-analysis of child and adolescent outcomes. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 13, 131–140 

McTavish, R. J., MacGregor, J. C. D., Wathen, N. C. & MacMillan, L. H. (2016). Children’s exposure to intimate partner violence: an overview. International Review of Psychiatry, 28, 504-518.

Vu, N. L., Jouriles, E. N., McDonald, R. & Rosenfield, D. (2016). Children's exposure to intimate partner violence: A meta-analysis of longitudinal associations with child adjustment problems. Clinical Psychology Review, 46, 25-33.

Insights about perpetrators programmes

General Insights

Alderson, S., Kelly, L. & Westmarland, N. (2013). Domestic violence perpetrator programmes and children and young people. London and Durham: London Metropolitan University and Durham University.

Alderson, S., Westmarland, N. & Kelly, L. (2012). The need for accountability to, and support for, children of men on domestic violence perpetrator programmes. Child Abuse Review, 3, 182-193.

Butters R. P., Droubay B. A., Seawright J. L., Tollefson D. R., Lundahl, B., & Whitaker, L. (2021). Intimate Partner Violence Perpetrator Treatment: Tailoring Interventions to Individual Needs. Clinical Social Work Journal, 49(3), 391–404.

Feder, G., Hester, M., Williamson, E., & Dunn, E. (2008). Behavioural interventions to reduce intimate partner violence against women. In J.A. Trafton, G.P. Williams (eds.), Best practices in behavioural management of health from pre-conception to adolescence, Vol III. Institute for Disease Management/ Institute for Brain Potential, 522-567.

Gracia, E., García-Senlle, M., Martin-Fernandez, M. & Lila, M. (2023). High Prevalence of Intimate Partner Violence Against Women in Young Adulthood: Is Prevention Failing?. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 38(17-18), 10205– 10233.

Herman K., Rotunda R., Williamson G., & Vodanovich S. (2014). Outcomes from a Duluth model batterer intervention program at completion and long term follow-up. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, 53(1), 1–18.

Iwi, K., Newman, C. (2015). Engaging with Perpetrators of Domestic Violence. Practical Techniques for Early Intervention. London and Philadelphia: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

Jenkins, A. (2009). Becoming ethical: a parallel, political journey with men who have abused. UK: Russel House Publishing.

Payarola, M. A. (2011). Description of a voluntary attendance program for abusive men. In C. Blazina & D. S. Shen-Miller (eds.), An international psychology of men. Theoretical advances, case studies, and clinical innovations. New York: Routledge.

Päivinen, H., Siltala, H., & Holma, J. (2021). Positioning as a Tool in Work with Fathers Who Have Been Violent in the Family. In Gottzén, L., Bjørnholt, M. & Boonzaier, F. (eds.), Men, Masculinities and Intimate Partner Violence (Article 170-183). London: Routledge.

Price, R., Rosenbaum, A. (2009). Batterer Intervention Programs: A Report From the Field. Violence and Victims, 24(6,), 757-770.

Rollero, C. (2019). The Social Dimensions of Intimate Partner Violence: A Qualitative Study with Male Perpetrators. Sexuality & Culture 24(4): 749–63.

Insights into the Treatment Process

Berta M., Zarling A. (2019). A preliminary examination of an acceptance and commitment therapy-based program for incarcerated domestic violence offenders. Violence and Victims, 34(2), 213–228.

Carbajosa P., Catalá-Miñana A., Lila M., & Gracia E. (2017). Differences in treatment adherence, program completion, and recidivism among batterer subtypes. The European Journal of Psychology Applied to Legal Context, 9(2), 93–101.

Dyjakon, D. J. (2019). Model of Psychotherapy for Intimate Violence Perpetrators – A Case Study. Psychoterapia, 188(1), 29-45.

Holma, J., Partanen, T., Wahlstrom, J., Laitila, A. & Seikkula, J. (2006) Narratives and Discourses in Groups for Male Batterers. In Lipshitz, M. (ed.), Domestic Violence Reverberations, 59-83. New York: Nova Science Publishers.

Holmgren, E., Holma, J., & Seikkula, J. (2015). Programs for Partner- Violent Men: Shared Goals With Different Strategies. Partner Abuse, 6(4), 461-476.

Lila, M., Gracia, E., Catalá-Miñana, A. (2018). Individualized Motivational Plans in Batterer Intervention Programs: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 86(4), 309–320.

Milner, J., Singleton, T. (2008). Domestic violence: solution-focused practice with men and women who are violent. Journal of Family Therapy, 30, 29–53.

Murphy C. M., Eckhardt C. I., Clifford J. M., LaMotte A. D., & Meis L. A. (2020). Individual versus group cognitive-behavioral therapy for partner-violent men: A preliminary randomized trial. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 35(15–16), 2846–2868.

Musser P. H., Semiatin J. N., Taft C. T., & Murphy C. M. (2008). Motivational interviewing as a pregroup intervention for partner-violent men. Violence and Victims, 23(5), 539–557.

Päivinen, H., Holma, J. (2012). Positions constructed for a female therapist in male batterers' treatment group. Journal of Feminist Family Therapy, 24(1), 52-74.

Partanen, T. (2008). Interaction and Therapeutic Interventions in Treatment Groups for Intimately Violent Men. Jyväskylä Studies in Education, Psychology and Social Research. Jyväskylä: University of Jyväskylä.

Pinto e Silva, T., Cunha, O. & Caridade, S. (2023). Motivational interview techniques and the effectiveness of intervention programs with perpetrators of intimate partner violence: A systematic review. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse 24(4): 2691–710.

Räsänen, E., Holma, J. & Seikkula, J. (2014). Dialogues in Partner Abusive Clients’ Group Treatment: Conversational Tools Used by Counselors With Differently Motivated Clients. Violence & Victims, 29(2), 195-216.

Räsänen, E. (2013). Dialogues in Group Interventions Among Partner-Violent Men: Different Approaches for Different Clients. Jyväskylä Studies in Education, Psychology and Social Research, 472. Jyväskylä: University of Jyväskylä.

Räsänen, E., Holma, J. & Seikkula, J. (2012). Constructing Healing Dialogues in Group Treatment for Men Who Have Used Violence Against Their Intimate Partners. Social Work in Mental Health, 10(2), 127-145.

Räsänen, E., Holma, J., & Seikkula, J. (2012). Dialogical Views on Partner Abuser Treatment: Balancing Confrontation and Support. Journal of Family Violence, 27(4), 357-368.

Redondo N., Muñoz-Rivas M. J., Cantos A. L., & Graña J. L. (2021). Therapeutic dynamics of aggression, readiness to change, and recidivism in a partner violent men typology. Crime & Delinquency, 69(4), 864–886.

Rothman, E. F., Butchart, A., & Cerdá, M. (2003). Intervening with perpetrators of intimate partner violence. A global perspective. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organisation.

Schrock, D., Padavic, I. (2007). Negotiating Hegemonic Masculinity in a Batterer Intervention Program. Gender and Society, 21(5), 625-649.

Siltala, H., Päivinen, H., & Laitila, A. (2021). Reporting, Reflecting and Recognising Emotions in Therapeutic Work with Domestic Violence Perpetrators: Experiences of the Jyväskylä Group Model. In Husso, M., Karkulehto, S., Saresma, T., Laitila A., Eilola, J. & Siltala H. (eds.), Violence, Gender and Affect: Interpersonal, Institutional and Ideological Practices, 135-155. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Vall, B., Päivinen, H., Holma, J. (2018). Results of the Jyväskylä research project on couple therapy for intimate partner violence: topics and strategies in successful therapy processes. Journal of Family Therapy, 40(1), 63-82.

Veteläinen, A., Grönholm, H., & Holma, J. (2013). Discussions of Fatherhood in Male Batterer Treatment Group. SAGE Open, 3.

Zarling A., Bannon S., Berta M., & Russell D. (2020). Acceptance and commitment therapy for individuals convicted of domestic violence: 5-year follow-up and time to reoffense. Psychology of Violence, 10(6), 667–675.

Outcome Evaluations of Perpetrator Programmes

Theorising Outcome and Success

Aaron, S.M., Beaulaurier, R.L. (2017). The Need for New Emphasis on Batterers Intervention Programs. Trauma Violence Abuse, 18(4), 425-432.

Arias E., Arce R., & Vilariño M. (2013). Batterer intervention programmes: A meta-analytic review of effectiveness. Psychosocial Intervention, 22(2), 153–160.

Babcock J., Armenti N., Cannon C., Lauve-Moon K., Buttell F., Ferreira R., Cantos A., Hamel J., Kelly D., Jordan C., & Lehmann P. (2016). Domestic violence perpetrator programs: A proposal for evidence-based standards in the United States. Partner Abuse, 7(4), 355–460.

Bender, A. (2017). Ethics, Methods, and Measures in Intimate Partner Violence Research: The Current State of the Field. Violence against Women, 23(11), 1382–413.

Gannon T. A., Olver M. E., Mallion J. S., & James M. (2019). Does specialized psychological treatment for offending reduce recidivism? A meta-analysis examining staff and program variables as predictors of treatment effectiveness. Clinical Psychology Review, 73.

Gondolf, E. W. (2012). The Future of Batterer Programs: Reassessing Evidence-Based Practice. Boston: Northeastern University Press.

Gondolf, E. W.  (2011). The weak evidence for batterer program alternatives. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 16(4), 347-353.

Karakurt G., Koç E., Çetinsaya E. E., Ayluçtarhan Z., & Bolen S. (2019). Meta-analysis and systematic review for the treatment of perpetrators of intimate partner violence. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 105, 220–230.

Morrison, P. K., Cluss, P.A., Miller, E.P., Fleming, R., Hawker, L., Bicheouse, T., George, D., Wright, K. & Change, J. C. (2017). Elements Needed for Quality Batterer Intervention Programs: Perspectives of Professionals Who Deal with Intimate Partner Violence. Journal of Family Violence, 32, 481–491.

Päivinen, H., Vall, B., & Holma, J. (2016). Research on Facilitating Successful Treatment Processes in Perpetrator Programs. In M. Ortiz (ed.), Domestic Violence: Prevalence, Risk Factors and Perspectives, 163-187. New York: Nova Science Publishers.'s_exposure_to_domestic_violence_scale_in_Brazil/links/5b314a86aca2720785e8310e/Childrens-exposure-to-domestic-violence-scale-in-Brazil.pdf#page=177

Radatz, D. L., Wright, E. M. (2015).  Integrating the Principles of Effective Intervention into Batterer Intervention Programming: The Case for Moving Toward More Evidence-Based Programming. Trauma, violence & Abuse, 17(1), 72-87.

Travers Á., McDonagh T., Cunningham T., Armour C., & Hansen M. (2021). The effectiveness of interventions to prevent recidivism in perpetrators of intimate partner violence: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Clinical Psychology Review, 84.

Vall, B., López-i-Martín, X., Grané Morcillo, J., & Hester, M. (2023). A Systematic Review of the Quality of Perpetrator Programs’ Outcome Studies: Toward A New Model of Outcome Measurement. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 0(0).

Westmarland, N., Kelly, L. & Chalder-Mills, J. (2010). What Counts as Success? London: Respect.

Westmarland, N. & Kelly, L. (2012). Why Extending Measurements of ‘Success’ in Domestic Violence Perpetrator Programmes Matters for Social Work. British Journal of Social Work, 43(6), 1-19.

Wojnicka, K., Scambor, C. & Kraus, H. (2016). New pathways in the evaluation of programmes for men who perpetrate violence against their female partners. Evaluation and Program Planning, 57, 39-47.

European and International Evaluations

Akoensi, T., Koehler, J. A., Lösel, F. A., & Humphreys, D. K. (2012). Domestic violence perpetrator programs in Europe, Part II: A systematic review of the state of evidence. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 57(10), 1206-1225.

Dalton, B. (2007). What's Going on Out There?. A Survey of Batterer Intervention Programs. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, 15(1), 59-74.

Gannon, T. A., Olver, M. E., Mallion, J. S. & James, M. (2019). Does specialized psychological treatment for offending reduce recidivism? A meta-analysis examining staff and program variables as predictors of treatment effectiveness. Clinical Psychology Review, 73, 2-18.

Geldschläger, H., Ginés, O., Nax, D. & Ponce, A. (2014). Outcome measurement in European perpetrator programmes: A survey.

Ginés, O., Geldschläger, H., Nax, D., & Ponce, Á. (2015). European perpetrator programmes: a survey on day-to-day outcome measurement. STUDIA HUMANISTYCZNE AGH, 14(2), 33-52.

Hamilton, L., Koehler, J. A., & Lösel, F. (2012). Domestic Violence Perpetrator Programs in Europe, Part I: A survey of Current Practice. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 57(10) 1189 –1205.

Hester, M., Lilley. S.-J., O’Prey, L. & Budde, J. (2014). Overview and analysis of research studies evaluating European perpetrator programmes.

Kelly, L. & Westmarland, N. (2015). Domestic violence perpetrator programmes : Steps towards change. Project Mirabal final report. Project Report. London, Durham: London Metropolitan University and Durham University.

Lauch, K. M., Hart, K, J. & Bresler, S. (2017). Predictors of Treatment Completion and Recidivism Among Intimate Partner Violence Offenders. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, 26, 543-557.

Lilley-Walker S. J., Hester, M. & Turner, W. (2018). Evaluation of European Domestic Violence Perpetrator Programmes: Toward a Model for Designing and Reporting Evaluations Related to Perpetrator Treatment Interventions. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 62(4), 868-884.

The Advocates for Human Rights. (2016). Recommendations for Effective Batterer Intervention Programs in Central & Eastern Europe & the Former Soviet Union. Minneapolis: The Advocates for Human Rights.

Vall B., Sala-Bubaré A., Hester M., & Pauncz A. (2021). Evaluating the impact of intimate partner violence: A comparison of men in treatment and their (ex-) partners accounts. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(11), 5859.

Evaluations of Specific Programmes

Akerele F. A., Murphy C. M., & Williams M. R. (2017). Are men with a history of head injury less responsive to cognitive behavioral therapy for intimate partner violence?. Violence and Victims, 32(3), 493–505.

Bilby, C. & Hatcher, R. (2004). Early stages in the development of the Integrated Domestic Abuse Programme (IDAP): implementing the Duluth Domestic Violence pathfinder. Home Office Online Report 29/04. London. Home Office.

Bohall, G., Bautista, M.-J., & Musson, S. (2016). Intimate partner violence and the Duluth Model: An examination of the model and recommendations for future research and practice. Journal of Family Violence, 31(8), 1029–1033.

Bowen, E., Gilchrist, E. & Beech, A. (2008). Change in Treatment Has No Relationship With Subsequent Re-Offending in U.K. Domestic Violence Sample: A Preliminary Study. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 52(5), 598-614.

Bowen, E., Gilchrist, E. & Beech, A.R. (2005). An examination of the impact of community-based rehabilitation on the offending behaviour of male domestic violence offenders and the characteristics associated with recidivism. Legal and Criminological Psychology, 10, 189-209.

Bullock, K., Sarre, S., Tarling, R. & Wilkinson, M. (2010). The delivery of domestic abuse programmes. An implementation study of the delivery of domestic abuse programmes in probation areas and Her Majesty’s Prison Service. Ministry of Justice Research Series 15/10. London: Ministry of Justice.

Debonnaire, T., Walton, K. (2004). An evaluation of intervention programmes in Ireland working with abusive men and their partners and ex-partners. Bristol: DVR.

Donovan, C. & Griffiths, S. (2013). Domestic Violence and Voluntary Perpetrator Programmes: Engaging Men in the Pre-Commencement Phase. British Journal of Social Work, 45(4), 1–17.

Ferrer-Perez, V.A. & Bosch-Fiol, E. (2018). Batterer Intervention Programs in Spain: An Analysis of Their Effectiveness. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 62(4), 885-897.

Kraanen, F., Vedel, E., Scholing, A., & Emmelkamp, P. (2013) The comparative effectiveness of Integrated treatment for substance abuse and partner violence (I-StoP) and substance abuse treatment alone: a randomised controlled trial. in BMC Psychiatry  13, 189.

Lila, M., Oliver, A., Galiana, L and Gracia, E. (2013). Predicting Success Indicators Of An Intervention Programme For Convicted Intimate-Partner Violence Offenders: The Contexto Programme. The European Journal of Psychology Applied to Legal Context,  5(1), 73-95.

McConnell, N., Barnard, M., Holdsworth, T. & Taylor, J. (2014). Caring Dads Safer Children. Interim Evaluation Report. NSPCC Impact and Evidence Series.

McCracken, N., Deave, T. (2012). Evaluation of the Caring Dads Cymru (CDC) Programme. Welsh Assesmbly Government Social Research 18/2012.

Novo M, Fariña F, Seijo M. & Arce R. (2012). Assessment of a community rehabilitation programme in convicted male intimate-partner violence offenders. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, 12, 219-234.

Ormston, R., Mullholland, C. & Setterfield, L. (2016). Caledonian System Evaluation: Analysis of a programme for tackling domestic abuse in Scotland. Scotland: Scottish Government, Justice Directorate.

Phillips, R. (2013). DVIP's Co-Location in Hackney Children's Services: A process evaluation. Child and Woman Abuse Studies Unit. London: London Metropolitan University.

Smith, M.E. (2011). A qualitative review of perception of change for male perpetrators of domestic abuse following abuser schema therapy (AST). Counselling and Psychotherapy Research: Linking research with practice, 11(2).

Taylor, B. (2005). One Year On. Pilot Phase Report. Living Without Violence: Men's Perpetrator Programme. Brighton: eb4U Domestic Violence Project.

Williamson, E., Hester, M. (2009). Evaluation of the South Tyneside Domestic Abuse Perpetrator Programme (STDAPP) 2006-2008. Final Report. Bristol: University of Bristol.

Methodological Studies

Campbell, J. (ed.) (2007). Assessing Dangerousness. Violence by Batterers and Child Abusers. New York: Springer.

Dobash, E. D., Dobash, R. P. (2000). Evaluating criminal justice interventions for Domestic Violence. Crime & Delinquency, 46(2), 252-270.

Downes, J., Kelly, L. & Westmarland, N. (2014). Ethics in violence and abuse research - a positive empowerment approach. Sociological Research Online, 19(1), 2.

Patulny, R., Pini, B. (2013). Counting men: quantitative approaches to the study of men and masculinities. In B. Pini & B. Pease (eds.), Men, masculinities and methodologies. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Rossi, P. H., Lipsey, M. W. & Freeman, H. E. (2004). Evaluation. A systematic approach (7th ed.). Thousand Oaks: Sage.

Scambor, C., Wojnicka, K. & Scambor, E. (2014). Possibilities for multi-site/multicountry European evaluation studies on domestic violence perpetrator programmes.

Shaddish, W. R., Cook, T. D. & Campbell, D. T. (2002). Experimental and quasi-experimental designs for generalized causal inference. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company.

Stufflebeam, D. L. & Shinkfield, A. J. (2007). Evaluation theory, models, and applications. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Vall, B., Morcillo J.G., Pauncz, A., Hester, M. (2023). Measuring the Outcome of Perpetrator Programmes through a Contextualised and Victim-Centred Approach: The Impact Project, Soc. Sci. 2023, 12(11).

Psychological Scales and Questionnaires


Derogatis, L.R. (1983). SCL-90-R. Administration, scoring and procedures manual. Baltimore, MD: Clinical Psychometric Research.

Hare, R. D. (2003). The Psychopathy Checklist (Revised, 2nd ed.). Toronto: MultiHealth Systems. 

Loranger, A. W., Janca, A., & Sartorius, N. (1997). Assessment and diagnosis of personality disorders: The ICD-10 international personality disorder examination (IPDE). Cambridge University Press.

Millon, T., Millon, C., Davis, R., & Grossman, S. (2006). MCMI-III Manual (3rd ed.). Minneapolis, MN: Pearson Education, Inc.

Rorschach, H. (1927). Rorschach Test – Psychodiagnostic Plates. Göttingen: Hogrefe.

Tellegen, A.,, Ben-Porath, Y. S. (2008). MMPI-2-RF (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 Restructured Form): Technical manual. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Risk Assessment

Douglas, K. S., Hart, S. D., Webster, C. D., & Belfrage, H. (2013). HCR-20 (Version 3): Assessing risk of violence – User guide. Burnaby, Canada: Mental Health, Law, and Policy Institute, Simon Fraser University.

Hilton, N.Z., Harris, G.T., Rice, M.E., Lang, C., Cormier, C.A., & Lines, K.J. (2004). A brief actuarial assessment for the prediction of wife assault recidivism: The Ontario Domestic Assault Risk Assessment. Psychological Assessment, 16(3), 267-275.

Hoffmann, J. & Glaz-Ocik, J. (2012). DyRiAS-Intimpartner. Polizei & Wissenschaft, 13, 45-57.

Kropp, P. R., Hart, S. D., Webster, C. W. & Eaves, D. (1994). Manual for the Spousal Assault Risk Assessment Guide. Vancouver: British Columbia Institute Against Family Violence.

Well-being: Depression, anxiety, anger

Beck, A.T., Steer, R.A. & Brown, G.K. (1996). Manual for the Beck Depression Inventory (2nd ed.). San Antonio: The Psychological Corporation.

Spielberger, C. D., Gorsuch, R. L., Lushene, R., Vagg, P. R., & Jacobs, G. A. (1983). Manual for the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. Palo Alto: Consulting Psychologists Press.

Spielberger, C.D. (1988). State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory. Orlando: Psychological Assessment Resources.

Violence and abusive behaviour and attitudes

Garner, J.W., Hudson, W.W. (1992). Non physical abuse of partner scale [NPAPS]. In J. Fischer & K. Corcoran (eds.), Measures for clinical practice: A sourcebook. New York: Free.

Glick, P. & Fiske, S. (1996). The Ambivalent Sexism Inventory: Differentiating hostile and benevolent sexism. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 70(3), 491–512. (free download)

Saunders, D. G., Lynch, A. B., Grayson, M., & Linz, D. (1987). The inventory of beliefs about wife beating: The construction and initial validation of a measure of beliefs and attitudes. Violence and Victims, 2(1), 39–57. (free download)

Spence, J.T. & Helmreich, R.L. (1972). The Attitude toward Women Scale: An objective instrument to measure the attitude toward the rights and roles of women in contemporary society. JSAS: Catalog of Selected Documents in Psychology, 2, 66- 67.

Spence, J.T., Helmreich, R. & Stapp, J. (1973). A short version of the Attitudes toward Women Scale (AWS). Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 2(4), 219-220. (free download)

Straus, M., Hamby, S. , Boney-McCoy, S. & Sugarman, D. (1996). The Revised Conflict Tactics Scales (CTS2). Journal of Family Issues, 17(3), 283-316. (free download)

Tolman, R. M. (1999). The validation of the Psychological Maltreatment of Women Inventory. Violence and Victims, 14, 25-37.


Saunders, J. B., Aasland, O. G., Babor, T. F., de la Fuente, J. R. & Grant, M. (1993). Development of the Alcohol Use disorders Identification Test (AUDIT): WHO 59 Collaborative Project on Early Detection of Persons with Harmful alcohol consumption-II. Addiction, 88, 791-804. (free download)

Policy papers and Reports on Domestic Violence

Country-monitoring work (2011-2018). Group of Experts on Action against Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (Grevio) Reports. Council of Europe.

Council of Europe. (2011). Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence.

EIGE. (2022). Gender Equality Index 2022: The COVID-19 pandemic and care. European Institute for Gender Equality: Vilnius. 

EUCPN. (2013). Tackling domestic violence in the EU – policies & practices. In EUCPN Secretariat (eds.), EUCPN Toolbox Series, no. 4, European Crime Prevention Network: Brussels.

European Commission. (2010). Feasibility study to assess the possibilities, opportunities and needs to standardize national legislation on violence against women, violence against children and sexual orientation violence. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.

FRA - European Union Agency of Fundamental Rights. (2014). Violence against women. An EU-wide survey. Main results.

National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE). (2014). Domestic violence and abuse: how health services, social care and
the organisations they work with can respond effectively
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Last changed: 09.04.2024