Support WWP EN

You want to support our network? Great!

Depending on who you are, there are several ways in which you can support us:

Become a member

If you want to join our network as a member, check out our information on how to become a member. We are proud of uniting diverse organisations from all over Europe, all of which are working to end violence against women and children in their own ways. If you are not an organisation, but an individual interested or engaged in perpetrator work or victim support, you are also welcome to join us as an affiliate member. You can find all of the information here.

Join our team

We are a growing network with job openings coming up regularly. You can can keep an eye on our job openings page to make sure you don't miss out on any opportunities working with us.

Do an internship

You are currently studying or just finished studying a subject relevant to our work and are looking for an exciting internship opportunity? We enjoy welcoming interns to our Berlin office for 3-6 months and to give an insight into an international NGO. Find out how to apply here.


Very few things in this life are for free. We regularly organise fully reimbursed events and meetings for our members, we have a small office in Berlin and we have a dedicated staff -  all of which we gladly spend money on. If you agree that perpetrator work is a worthwhile cause and want to support our work, you are invited to donate to our network via the information on our donations page.

Last changed: 09.04.2024