#ResponsibleTogether23: Perpetrator work as a critical tool for ending domestic violence

 "Perpetrator programmes are critical tools in stopping the cycle of domestic violence. They offer an approach that holds offenders accountable for their actions while also addressing the root causes of abusive behaviour. The #ResponsibleTogether23 campaign is a call to action, urging communities and policymakers to recognise and support these vital programmes."
- Alessandra Pauncz, WWP EN Executive Director

The #ResponsibleTogether23 campaign during the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence unites 19 WWP EN member organisations across 13 countries in shedding light on the critical role of perpetrator programmes in ending domestic violence.

Domestic violence needs a comprehensive approach

Domestic violence remains a grave concern across the globe, affecting countless individuals, particularly women and children. The #ResponsibleTogether campaign seeks to challenge the status quo by advocating for a comprehensive approach to addressing the perpetrators of such violence. By emphasising the importance of perpetrator programs, this campaign aims to bring about positive change, increased awareness, and policy reform in the fight against domestic violence.

Perpetrator programmes make a difference

Research from the IMPACT Outcome Monitoring Toolkit shows that

  • Both perpetrators and their (ex-)partners report significant decreases of emotional, physical and sexual violence after the perpetrator completes a programme.
  • Perpetrators were more likely to recognise their jealousy and possessiveness as important elements related to their violence after completing a programme.
  • Survivors felt safer and reported less fear of the perpetrator after their (ex-)partner had completed a programme.

Read our report "Change is possible: Results from the IMPACT Outcome Monitoring Toolkit" to learn more about how this data was gathered and analysed.

Campaign materials

Last changed: 09.04.2024